Wednesday 1 March 2017

Light Relief...

Lots of angry people at the moment...that's sad. Some of them...very desperate, if you know what I mean.

i won't take it personally...might be nothing to do with me, and none of my busybodies...

I'm a funny fish...I seem to want to take it personally. It's...a childish reaction. Thinking I'm always in trouble.

It's worth reminding the child...not everything is his fault. Further...there are very few things more egotistical than assuming it is 'about you'. We the tormented think it's about us...& mostly? It is simply not. Of course you follow that kind of paranoia through...pretty soon you look around...& everyone IS gone. Just what your subconscious... programmed for self destruction...wanted all along.

The way to talk back to that nonsense?

Think about others. I try to think about what they might be going through. & I try to put my self on hold for five minutes while I put it out there; I'm not totally sure what to say...except that I'm thinking of you...

& there IS a light at the end of the tunnel....even though I completely understand why you might think there is not. Especially when all around is pitch black.

Just keep on the darkness...keep on moving. You will from time to time see light...but very often, these are guide lights. They might look like they are the 'end of tunnel' lights...but they are actually not.

They are there to show you the way. They are NOT your destination. Just keep going. Keep following the guide lights, until you get through the darkness.

to the big light at the end.

It's there, i promise you...just don't give up.

& remember the light you carry inside you...don't turn it off before it is time.

I'll be here if you need me. For what it's worth.

Or at least...if not right here, not far away, if I can help.

In the meantime...

here is my cute kitty enjoying my new table thingy, for your viewing pleasure.

If in doubt...just nuzzle that rug!


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