Sunday 16 April 2017

‘The Armour of Dog’

It’s a curious thing when you arrive at a place where you are pursuing your life work…doing precisely what it is you were put here to do… 
& you also realise, suddenly, you have become immune to criticism. 
It’s like…all the barbs, and insults of the petty minded, which at one time seemed to sting so badly…all of a sudden seem to slide off the armour of your endeavour like snot down a bannister.
When you find what it is you were put on the planet to do…finally…
after decades of searching…you develop an immunity to the insults and petty sniping of inferior people.  
You realise for the first time the pain and suffering that comes with true creativity, and it toughens you up.  
You become oblivious to the bitchy catty remarks designed to wound…& make you feel guilty or ashamed for pursuing the path of the artist, rather than the destroyer…
& you become the destroyer of the weak and insipid. 
These snide remarks suddenly seem to fall from your armour like the little Lilliputian arrows that rebound from Gulliver’s arse…
& lie on the ground where they belong, for you to walk over.  

You have worked like a dog to get to this place.  Revel in your age. 
These are your dog days…& they are VERY good. 

After months and maybe even years of wrestling with, deconstructing and debunking a variety of existential and theological conflicts & constructs…it is good to talk a little bit of shit with the boys.

Thanks men.

& if you see Buddha on the road…run him over with your bike.      

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