Thursday 17 November 2016

Do Androids Type???

Just a brief note to Sci Fi film makers...

Don't have an android typing on a computer in your movie.

I watched a movie last night- 'Robot Stories'- where they actually had this.  It's a bit like me hammering a hammer with a hammer.

You haven't thought your story through, people; this is a film maker who was clearly thinking about something else when they made the film.

Probably the visuals;  it looked pretty good, bad sadly lacked plausibility.

I know it's a bag of cats and dogs trying to shoot a film, but if you are not up to handling the basics of storyline...then go and write a book.

It is laziness, doing something like this, and it assumes the viewer will be just as lazy in not spotting it.  We ARE paying attention- in fact, movies might be one of the few things most humans pay any attention to...

So don't insult us.

We might not be androids, dreaming of electric sheep...

Some of us are wide awake...& we care about story.


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