Thursday 10 November 2016

Hoffman's Grave

I think it’s time to wrap it up; there’s no point bitching about it. It feels like preaching to the choir, when I know most of you realize what a fucking mess this all is. 

No point whipping each other into a fenzy when we know what's what- & there is not much we can do about it. 

& I am NOT wrapping it up because the odd smattering of Americans have been dissing me- an Aussie- for sticking my nose in your affairs…because, well...OK, forget that stuff about this is OUR planet, we are all on it, we are all connected, etc...

Try taking a look at your faulty memory.  

One or two of you seem to have forgotten how you stuck your nose in the affairs of the middle east…& so many other foreign territories… for more than a century.  So back off.

Being the leader of the free world, you lead by example, so I will have my say, regardless. 

Seeing as how you are so in love with free speech. 

I say, we must respect US due process.  You are a democracy, and the majority has voted. 

You voted for one of the most racist, sexist, bigoted leaders in recent memory. Those who voted that women hating wetback loathing retard fearing facist in...well, you wanted this kind of leader...

You got him. 

I can only think…someone like Mussolini. 

Trump did not insinuate anything…he CAME RIGHT OUT WITH IT.

I guess we should give him points for being a straight shooter.  

So I will do the same kind of straight shooting and spade calling as he did in wrapping it up.

I guess I am angry.  Angry that a presidential candidate would come out & say how much he hates wetbacks, retards, whores, niggers, kikes, spics, wops, etc etc. 

Not only that…the MAJORITY of Americans wanted a man like that for their president. 

Well, all I can say is that profound mental illness it tricky; people with views such as this very difficult to talk to; they are are frequently uncommunicative, vexacious, will not listen, and quite often do not know their actions are completely insane. 

So...either way...whether we are hugging one another in our grief, or chastising people with profound mental, psychological or emotional's all just a lot of hot air.

Like watching a crack addict who has just raped a young girl, got into a car, driven off down the highway and crashed it into a big tree...we just have to accept that it has happened, and move on. 

The driver decamped, and not only that...he got off on a technicality; the hysterical blindness of the majority of the American people.  

Hopefully...he will do something else to get himself locked up. 

Impeached. Whatever.

Although, it would seem most Americans are immune to outrage.  

I still keep thinking of him mocking that disabled journalist; so...the majority of the American people not only saw that behaviour, but LIKED it.  

So...he may well get away with murder.  

Let's face it...he's a Watergate waiting to happen...

& it might not matter worth a damn. 

Speaking of Watergate, Vietnam, etc...

I feel sorry for the hippies. 

All the protesting they did, to try to create a better world...

It would appear it was all for naught. 

Abbie Hoffman would be turning in his grave right now...

It’s like being back in the schoolroom. 

One of my American friends said how much she was ashamed of her country, & asked if she could come and live in the antipodes.  She was told in no uncertain terms, ‘NO!  You have to stay there and think about what you’ve done!!’


Well, on this occasion, the majority of the class has been ‘naughty’; and because the responsible ones weren’t able to reign the naughty ones in…

They have taken over the classroom.

But the last bell hasn’t rung yet…



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