Saturday 5 November 2016


I've kept my mouth shut about the election for the most part- free speech doesn't really apply outside the US, and nothing raises the xenophobic ire quite like a foreigner putting their two bits in.

However, no one can stop me loving the U.S. Of A, and caring what happens.

Yes, this election will affect the entire free world, and most of the non free. However, as we slip into the home straight, it is now down to the American people. How you vote is your business.

I don't envy you the choice. However, it seems to me to be pretty straightforward; if you hate women, now is your chance to say so. If you want a woman hating pig in the White House...then fire away. Now is your chance to solidify your misogyny.

To conjure up but one example, what Trump said about Rosie O'Donnell was unforgivable. I don't care if he was in a bad mood, jutting out his chest like a peacock, or only joking; you need to be careful what you claim to be even in jest, for this may be how you are ultimately judged. So, if you care about the rights of women to be treated decently, then I would give the bastard a wide berth.

However, if you want to move into the future as someone who believes women deserve to be respected and treated decently, equally, as a fellow human being of the same stature as a man, with the same rights as you, then Hil is the way to go. Of course I am suspicious of a system that allows the Husband to assume office, then a few decades later, the wife. Just as I am suspicious of that same system that allows the father into the same post, and then the son.

It reeks of some kind of tin pot dictatorship nepotism, but it is what it is, and it's your system, not mine. So, Hil is no bargain...sure...but what politician is?

Frankly? I find the prospect of a woman pres very exciting indeed.

Sure, there are is a lage cabal of very influential people who are opposed to having a 'Cunt' in the Ovary Office, (their words, not mine) to the same degree they objected to having a 'Nigger' in.(again their words, not mine.)

But the writing is on the wall; the so called 'minorities' must have their day- sooner or later.

And after Hil's term has expired? I hope a 'Queer' gets the top job next.

I speak freely, because this is my country, this blog, and they are only words.

I use these expressions because this is the time for plain speaking.

I am tired of rich fat white men running the world, and Hil, for me might just be a rich fat white woman doing the same thing- but I truly believe it is a step in the right direction.

The longest journey starts with a footstep, and this will be a process; the reformation of world politics- beginning with the head- will be a slow painstaking process.

That's just the way it is.

I don't know who she cares about, what her agenda is, or who she's emailing; I care that a vote for her, if you have no other choices (I would prefer Oprah in the top spot) is a vote for...

A decisive, clear, direct future. Where the women folk finally get a say.

These are very vague fuzzy times, and they call for DIRECT AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.


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