Monday 6 February 2017

Bonfire of Adversity

For those among you who are experiencing a depressive disorder, I will let you in on a little secret; you will most likely lose most, if not all of your friends in the process.  
Do not be troubled; this is normal.  No one likes to be around sick people- that’s just the way it is.  In fact, this applies to most illnesses; you become seriously ill with anything…you will no doubt lose all your friends, one by one.  This is simply a fact of life.  In the animal kingdom, it is very rare to see a sick member of the herd being tended to by others.  They are usually eaten.  It is not the fault of the other members of the herd…it is simply instinct; woven into the DNA.  We all have our own lives to lead, and sick people are not all that attractive.  You are going through something they will never understand, and you need to go through it alone. 
If you are lucky, you might have one, or two people willing to stand by you…but in most cases…you will end up alone. 
If you are bitter and resentful about this, then you will never be able to see the process through to its conclusion.  Because this is about letting go of old, selfish habits.  In time, you will come to understand that this is a necessary part of the process.  You are evolving into a new person, and shedding your friends is like shedding an old skin.  It is better to simply let them go, because they will probably not like the new you anyway.  Thank them for being with you for as long as they were, thank them for their kindness in the past, & release them.  
You can’t hold onto things, or people; memories, ideas…you must let them go.  BURN then off in the bonfire of adversity.  
You will, in time, make new, even better, more enlightened friends, who have had the privilege to endure the transformation you have, and have also seen it through to a higher place.  Like you.   
There is no growth without pain, suffering, and loss. 
Learning to let go…is part of the healing. 
When the metamorphosis is complete, you will have access to a wider network of souls who have evolved, transformed, and best of all…
you will, be a better friend to yourself- better able to give to others.  
It will have all been worth it; when you can see that the necessary loss that comes with soul transformation…
Will bring with it…in time…hitherto unimagined gains. 
You will no longer lament the loss…but celebrate the gain.  
The gain…the privilege of finally being able to GIVE.  
& LOVE.  

For all eternity…


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