Friday 10 February 2017


Ron was dead right; people are TOO thin in their skin.  
What gets me is how some people act like their wall is some kind of piece of art; the ground-breaking genre busting novel of the century, or the Louvre.  When in reality- our FB page is like a newspaper.  
By the next day…it’s old news and chip wrapper. 
How we manage to hold onto stuff that happens here mystifies me.  
And I include myself.  
I post all sorts of stuff; it helps keep my mind limber and sharpens my communication and writing skills, not to mention my social skills. 
But after I have written my shit…95% of readers have forgotten 95% of my stuff.  You might pay attention if you have a crush on someone, or harbour a secret hatred for them…(don’t forget, some people can’t wait to hate…they are addicted to it like crack, can’t wait to prove a point or make someone feel bad…) but mostly?  It’s disposable as bog roll.  Once it’s posted…unless you show your tossil or your giny or something…it’s gone.  Like sand in the wind.  

So don’t take it personally.  

If you don’t like something someone has said…walk away.  

& if you come back, and you still don’t like what they say…

Then get rid of them.  

Then get your head read.  It shouldn’t be that big a deal, and if you are still simmering and stewing over some random disposable comment someone might have made while nursing a headache, or a giant gas bill or something…then it is YOU who needs the attention. 

Most people who we interact with a few minutes later are onto someone else, & they have forgotten all about us. 

This medium is for the temporary…which is kinda’ good…because let’s face it…it’s ALL temporary.  

Beyond that?

Sound and fury, baby…




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