Wednesday 14 December 2016


So here we go again; another year down the plughole.  As the Yueltide season takes us up in it's talon-like clutches, I like to think of all my mates here on FB.

I'm not going to bang on about it forever as I usually do...actually, no, I might.  I start out with good intentions to be brief and succinct- but I noticed things never go that way.   I guess when you have something to say- & I always have summat to say- then I guess it takes as long as it takes.

So here goes.  At the top of the hour, I just want to say that you people are extremely good to me.

Over the years, you have made me a better writer, & more importantly, a better man.

FB is actually a pretty handy place for a writer- in fact any artist, really- to thrash out ideas.  Run them by people.  The kind of stuff I write- basically personal development- is pretty heavy going.

Sometimes, it seems like I am dealing with the same stuff, over and over again.

& I would not challenge you on that.  It might seem that way.

See...when I was a kid, I was always in the remedial class.  I was a bit of a drop-kick.  & things haven't changed much; I am a slow coach for sure, and some ideas, no matter how obvious they are to others, can take a long time to sink in with me.

Maybe TOO long.

Stuff like how to be a good man.

However, I know it is important, to me and my own self actualization, but more importantly it is important to other human beings I share this patch of turf with.

So...I tend to thrash it all out here.  ALL of it.

I try to reconcile all sorts of conflicts I have going inside me- & they MUST be reconciled, not because they are an amusing diversion, but because if I do not...

they spill out onto other people.  This is known as projecting.

It's why we love war so much.  We don't feel good about ourselves, for a variety of reasons, and in order to assuage that eternal self dissatisfaction...we turn it outward by blasting the living shit out of others.  & it's NOT cool.

The most important conflict inside me (& there are MANY) is knowing what inside me is simply who I am, & integral to my own unique personality, and what is just junk I have accumulated on the hard drive over the years from bad programming and conditioning.

It's a balancing act; I want to get rid of rubbish that doesn't serve me anymore, but on the other hand...I don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

& I am a bit of a baby; abuse tend to trap you in a perpetual state of arrested development, so in a way, I am spoonfeeding myself stuff that hopefully will help me mature as a person.

Including unloading bad habits...thoughts, patterns...stuff that goes around like a merry go round.

Terence McKenna said, 'Habit is circular behaviour', and he is dead right.  I often find the same stuff coming up here, and I deal with it, often in slightly different ways, until I get the lesson.

& when I do...I can move on.

I find this is a great place to thrash out some pretty heavy shit, so that I can at least go home and sit down at my work desk and deal with these matters in a much more civilised manner.

You the time I have gone through them here, & you have had a chance to give me the feedback I sorely need...things are much clearer by the time I get to the book.

& they need to be.  The book MUST be tight and disciplined, if it is to have any credibility at all.

I can do my rough work that I can sit and do the solid stuff at home.

However...I don't intend to sit on this merry go round forever.  I can see a time in the not too distant future, where I will be ready to get off the merry go round altogether, be an adult, and move on.

You help me do that; time and again.  You never get shitty with me (well, some of you do) but we seem to find a way to get through it friendship intact.

This is important.  I need for you to STOP...

& acknowledge how much you mean to me.

How much you DO for me, just by being here and being supportive.

I will never be able to repay you, but I guess, I can start by giving you this virtual cake!

& I suppose I could also make sure every day I think about how I can do better, and be better.

Not for you, of course; well, not entirely...because I feel somewhat accountable to my friends, and that is important...But for me.

Because let's face it; in the end...

we have to look ourselves in the mirror.

One day I will be someone you can be proud of.

I will achieve all my dreams; & that 'aint easy.

I can feel it; I am on the verge of finishing the book I was put here to write.

Your patience...helped me to write that book.

Make my dream come true.

I knew nothing about writing until I met you.

& you taught PERSIST.

Keep hammering away, each and every day, until the dawn breaks through.

And all that work...starts to make sense.

& I hop off the merry go round...

& move forward into a better future.



& wishing you peace love and happiness all your days,

from your loyal and faithful friend,

John Warwick Arden


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