Friday 2 December 2016

A New Path...

Once upon a time...I used to OWN the motherfuckin footpath.

(you guys call it a 'sidewalk', but it amounts to the same thing...that concrete strip running adjacent to a highway, usually next to a nature strip). 

Yep...I owned that. 

It was mine. 

& I would guard it jealously. 

I would stick to the left- as per the road rules- and if anyone dared to steer too close to woman or child...I would brush them with my elbow...just so they knew for next time whose footpath it was.  If it was a big man...I would hit him with my elbow, to make it extra clear.

Same went for the cinema; that ridiculous bit of armrest that two people are supposed to share?  That was mine, too.  And if it took me the entire film to establish my supremacy, to capture that precious bit of real estate and keep it...then I would do it. 

Even if I could not concentrate on the movie.

Often I would have no idea what it was all about, and one very astute woman I was seeing long term had my number; after a movie, she would question me about the film, and I would have to shrug my shoulders, and she would say, 'armrest'? 

& I would nod 'yes'. 

Now...there are dozens of other similar examples' of some men's bullshit battles over nothing. 

I could mention Vietnam and Iraq...but I'm not really in the mood. 

Whether this nonsense is something we are taught by our fuck witted fathers, or whether it is woven into our DNA...I have no idea.  & I don't want to know. 

The point of the story is...I don't do that shit anymore. 

Nowadays...I make it a point, when I see people walking toward me, to step off the sidewalk, and walk along the nature strip. 

You know what?  It's not much different to the concrete. 

In's a little bit nicer.

Time to time you might step in some dog shit...but it teaches you to watch where you're going; and that's not a bad any walk of life. 

& you know what?  I don't feel the slightest bit like a pussy for doing it. 

My dick gets no smaller, I lose no extra sleep...

& now I think of it, almost everyone I step aside for smiles and me, and even comments, saying 'howdy do' and what have you.  So that's a nice thing. 

That never used to happen. 

Now...maybe this hands across the water stuff will evaporate when the shit-storm strikes.

Maybe this sweetness and light will change when the world descends into Armageddon & anarchy, and we are tearing one another's throats out over a Twinkie.

But for now...

I'm cool with the nature strip.

It's much nicer over here...

& it always was.

Peace and love always.

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