Friday 16 December 2016

"My Morning Shirt".

I love this shirt.  Spidey.  He's pretty sweet.

I don't wear it very often, & I have put on some weight since I last did, so it's...a little tight!

Anyway, I put it on this morning, because the weather was beautiful and mild, and I just feels right.  I felt in the right mood.  I even took a few pix to show my FB mates.

So...I head into town, and while I'm in there, I see this young lad with his mum, looking at me.  He seemed fascinated by my shirt.  His mum came over, and asked me where I got it, and of course, I don't remember.  It must have been years ago.  I really couldn't remember.

When I saw the look in the lads eyes, I took the shirt off, rolled it up, and gave it to him.

"I'm pretty clean, but if your mum wants to wash's yours."

The kids was pretty happy.  Long time since I made anyone happy.

So...I don't think I will miss the shirt.

I have these pics, to remind me...

I always wanted to be the kind of guy who would give you the shirt off his own back.

Well now...

I am.