Monday 12 December 2016

The Reptile Clause...

Okay, my fine feathered friends, I think it might be high time we put a stop to this nonsense in the wedding vows, "To have and to hold, as long as you both shall live" & the "In sickness and in health" bullshit. 

FACT:  not everyone has a storybook marriage. 

In fact...I only know of one, and they have been together...I guess since 'I Love Lucy' had it's first run.  & they swear they have never had a cross word in that whole time.

I have to take their word for it. 

But for the rest of us living in the real world?

Let me put it this way.

Alcoholism is an sickness.

Sociopathy is a sickness. 

Borderline Personality Disorder is a sickness. 

Being a Cunt is a sickness.

Some sicknesses...just go a little bit too far.

I would say, when Mr. gets to the point where he can't control his drinking, & starts slapping the living jesus out of you and the little-uns...

You have my permission to rescind that to 'have and to hold' shit, cut your losses, pack the littleys in the nearest vehickle, and get the flock out of there. 

You can suspend indefinitely that irresponsible, archaic, anachronistic pseudo religious pie in the sky and doe eyed bullshit about 'long as you both shall live'...

because you might not live long if he can't control that rot.

& you NEED to think of the kids.

I know it's 'not so simple'.  I realise that. 

You think I don't know how 'difficult' life is??

Life is not black and white. 

But a woman or a child with a black eye...

Is a pretty straightforward warning sign.

So...I don't care what your vows said, I don't care what contract you signed...

If he is beating the living shit out of you, raping you, fucking up the kids lives hearts and minds...

then you get out of that war zone PRONTO and get you'all somewhere safe.

You don't have to put up with needless cruelty.

NO ONE does.

You might be doing him a favour; he might take the hint, and get some help.

You might just as well get those pigs fed and ready to fly. 

who knows; he might be the most vicious bastard who ever walked the earth, and immune to empathy or change. 

but as long as he can get as drunk as he likes, as sick as he likes and as vicious as he likes without consequence and with the blessing of the lord...

He will do nothing to change.

So do everyone a AND your loved ones...

burn that 'piece of paper', can the fairy tale talk...

& look for the love you and your kids deserve. 

there are plenty of medical facilities for him to avail himself of...

Let them have and hold him. 

In sickness, or in health...

as long as the law allows...

peace and love.      

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